B.First is a non-profit amateur sports association. In order to carry out the goals that the Association in memory of Bill has set itself, we need financial support and even the smallest contribution can be essential to realize our projects.
Do you want to support the association and contribute to the realization of the projects?
There are two ways to do this:
You can become a member of the Association: becoming a member is simple, just send the request to the email You can choose between being an active member , or actively collaborating with the Association by providing your technical skills or simply a friend of Bill. The annual membership fee is 20.00 Euros.
The membership fee can be paid by bank transfer to the bank details indicated below, inserting in the subject "Membership fee Active Member or Friend of Bill year 2021"
You can make a donation through a bank transfer to the account in the name of:
B.FIRST Amateur Sports Association
Banking Institute: Cassa Padana BCC
IBAN: IT 22 Q 08340 11200 000002119138
or with Paypal, just click on "Donate" and follow the instructions: